Thursday 17 May 2012

Question Three.

What is  'composition' and why is it important to understand its rules?  You can focus your answer on either film or animation.

Composition is very important when it comes to directing a viewer's comprehension and enhancing meaning in a film or animation. It helps create balance, which leaves a pleasing result.

There are three main areas to look at when discussing composition: focal point, leading lines and blocking the exits. 

The focal point is used to direct the viewer's eye towards the important detail in the scene and this can be done with focus, light, and contrast.
Image one
Image two
The images above directs the viewer to the butterfly on Bambi's tail. This is the focal point: the important detail in this scene. All the characters are focused on the butterfly. Further the body language of the animals leads the viewer to this focal point. The lighting is being used to highlight the focal point. There is a bright spot where the characters have been placed in the centre of the scene. This is contrasting the dark background of the forest, therefore the viewer is drawn to the focal point.

Leading lines give the viewers a pathway to follow, normally this can be looped to take the viewers eyes back to the focal point. It entices the viewer to see what the character is seeing.
Image three
Image four
Looking at this still image from the Disney animation Bambi, there are clear leading lines leading the viewer to inside the log. There is a clear pathway from the characters eyes and body langauge shown clearly in image four. This is not a looped pathway, as there is nothing to be seen by the characters to be looped back.

The final area is blocking the exits. This is to make sure the viewers eyes do not wander from the intended focal point
Image five
Looking at the above image the main characters can be clearly seen, although it is a dar scene. There is nothing eyecatching about the background that would distract the viewer from the main focal point. The focal point is shown as more of a silotte against the snow scene, standing out dramatically.


[Bambi and a butterfly] n.d. [image online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 May 2012].

[Bambi and a log] n.d. [image online] Available at: <
> [Accessed 17 May 2012].

[Bambi in the snow n.d. [image online] Available at: <
> [Accessed 17 May 2012].

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